admin – bobty123 Wed, 15 May 2024 15:18:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Integration of Faith and Politics Wed, 15 May 2024 15:18:08 +0000 The church is God’s community; this is a spiritual community of faith with mandate to represent the interest of God on earth. Sehacloud Through this spiritual community, God wants to reach out to the secular community. We are to evangelize the community towards God. This is our first assignment to preach repentance. And then demonstrate the diakonos and apostolic mandate. Acts6:1-8.We are to minister to the whole man, we need to provide life coaching. The only institution which has answers for dying world is the church. We are God’ stewards. Howlarium  Stewardship is required in our communities. Who is a steward? A steward is anyone charged with a responsibility to take good care of that which is not his or her hence liable to give a full account of his or her stewardship ” It is required that a steward be found faithful”1 corinthians4vs2. Bukuharian Every steward is accountable to the one who appointed him or to his master, in this case a nation and its natural or financial resources are God’s property and people are God’s creation. We are charged with responsibility and duty whether as politicians, clergymen, community leaders or traditional leadership to Manage, Develop and Preserve what God has created. Bikenewportbeach

Two words will repeatedly come out whenever you find the word stewardship in any context,” Responsibility” and “accountability” We are to preserve the nation from Vbprojects Spiritual,morally,economical and social corruption and contamination by any means. We are to manage, develop and preserve the national, social economical, spiritual and public affairs and properly manage the national resources, national investments, and national treasury. We have a duty and responsibility to improve the social, economical and moral standards of our communities as church leaders. it’s unfortunate that the church avoided anything which involves community. Amglez Ungodly people corrupt society, Corruption is actually sin and gross wickedness which delays the social, political, economical and spiritual progress of a country. 8-sport  When a nation denounces the authority of God and godly principle of governance a seed of decay and erosion of morality, justice, peace, integrity and the fear of God takes place. This will lead a nation into a serious social and moral breakdown beyond human comprehension. Spiderjockeymc Community leadership is ordained by God and not by man, according to the book of Romans13:1 both the government and its citizens has responsibility towards each other and also towards God as the creator and owner of everything. Everyone needs to treat national duty and national leadership as sacred God is concerned how we rule and how we govern his people, though in society today we may have different kinds of systems but the final account will be given to God. The rule of God through Godly leadership by prophets or priest or clergy is called a theocracy. Valleydistributors

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Recession – Past, Present, and Politics Mon, 13 May 2024 19:25:38 +0000 Though the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has yet to classify the current economic slump as a “recession,” most commentators would agree that the economy is heading in that direction. Martin Feldstein, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, recently noted that, “we have been sliding into recession [and]…I think it could go on longer than the last two recessions (which) lasted eight months peak to trough.” With a presidential election knocking on our door, coupled Healthpromotiononcall with Professor Feldstein’s grim outlook for America’s economy, it is important to analyze our recent economic and political history, specifically with regards to recession, in order to match any correlations from the past with the present. Playbackngs  Such an analysis may offer clues as to whether or not we are currently in an economic recession and provide direction for our current and future political. Babyspotlatino This article does not intend to be a comprehensive exploration of America’s economic and political history; such an analysis is beyond its scope. It does intend however to make certain connections between the U.S. economic recessions of past 30 years and draw some conclusions about where America’s economy and politics may be heading. Gardnermotors

 Officially there have been four U.S. recessions in the last 30 years – each with distinct economic and political ramifications. This article details give a brief overview of the recession of the early 1980s. Patriciaaniorte Three subsequent articles will provide the same level of respective analysis for the recessions in the late 1980s, the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century, with a fifth and final article detailing any correlations with the current economic recession. Floridamarinaclubs Before going further, it is important to provide a working definition of “recession.” Recession has been commonly defined as a decline in a country’s GDP coupled with negative economic growth for two or more successive quarters. Insdmumbai This definition is tenuous however, as it causes numerous theoretical problems, not least of which is the problem of identifying when a recession begins and when it ends; if a recession begins in the third month of the second quarter, does that mean the entire quarter is in a recessed mode? A less troublesome way of thinking about recession is presented by LakshmanAchuthan and Anirvan Banerji of the Economic Cycle Research Institute. Myvenicepizza They state, “A recession is a self reinforcing downturn in economic activity, when a drop in spending leads to cutbacks in production and then jobs, triggering a loss of income that spreads across the country from industry to industry, hurting sales and in turn feeding back into a further drop in production – in effect, a vicious cycle.” This is the definition of recession used here. Amlawareness On October 18, 1981 President Ronald Reagan declared that America’s economy was in a “slight recession.” Bolmarka This may have been an understatement, as many economists would agree that, at the time, it was the worst recession since the Great Depression. Loveiswhoweare Though Reagan had not been in office when the economy began to take a nose dive in the 1970s, the negative growth in the housing, steel, manufacturing, and automotive industries cast a dark shadow over the rest of the economy and, consequently, the Gaper’s popularity. Myurbanchild

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How to Pick Video Games Both Parents and Their Will Love Thu, 09 May 2024 20:27:40 +0000 To hear parents tell it, the perfect video game is educational, provides small life lessons, strengthens hand eye coordination, and keeps the kids entertained for roughly 30 minutes at a time. Listening to kids, however, it appears that educational qualities rank far below the needs for speed, action, rad moves, and great weapons. It is hard to believe that there are games which fulfill the requirements hoped for by both parents and kids. Leatherchamps Parents should always make the time to play the games alongside their kids; the only problem with using this approach to picking video games is the fact that the game is already in the house and the money spent. Opened games are rarely returnable and once they are in the house and their hot little hands, kids will not let go of games without a lot of arguing, complaining, and upset. Thus, making an informed decision prior to bringing the games home is a must! So how does a parent go about picking out a video game for the children to play? Reading the back of the cover is unlikely to present a lot of information whereas the buzz on the Internet can be so forbiddingly filled with insider lingo that it is hard to discern if the game is appropriate, too violent, or perhaps even contains content that is objectionable. Dangrainfo At the same time, simply because a game is very popular and the evening news shows long lines of consumers waiting outside the stores for them to go on sale, does not mean that it offers the kind of game play the parent wants to invite into the home. Fortunately, there are five simple steps to picking video games both parents and their kids will love. These steps are not complicated, require a minimum of effort, and are rather reliable. Dollermake The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) developed a rating system that ranks game content according to age appropriateness. The ratings are “EC,” “E,” “E 10+,” “T,” “M,” “AO,” and “RP.” Businesstosphere

Games designated with an “EC” are educational and fun for preschoolers and young grade-schoolers. An “E” notes that the games are appropriate for all players, and while preschoolers might have more of a learning curve to get the game-play right, there is no objectionable content. Look out for games rated with an “E 10+” since these games are reserved for kids older than 10. Some mild language is usually incorporated into the Dominicwhitestudio A game rated “T” is reserved for teens, and parents should know that violence, sexual innuendo, partial nudity, and also curse words are par for the course. “M” for mature indicates games for those over the age of 17 and the blood, guts, gore, and sex are legendary in these games. Upping the ante are games marked “AO” or adults only, as they are “M” squared. An “RP” rating simply means that a rating is pending, and parents should hold off on buying the game until the rating has been apportioned.

2. Read the ESRB Content Descriptors Nacidoparaserciclista Since preschoolers and grade-schoolers cannot simply be pigeonholed into age brackets, but should be much further differentiated by their maturity levels, parents will be wise to read the ESRB content .

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How to Pick Video Games Both Parents and Their Kids Will Love Wed, 08 May 2024 20:00:49 +0000 To hear parents tell it, the perfect video game is educational, provides small life lessons, strengthens hand eye coordination, and keeps the kids entertained for roughly 30 minutes at a time. Listening to kids, however, it appears that educational qualities rank far below the needs for speed, action, rad moves, and great weapons. It is hard to believe that there are games which fulfill the requirements hoped for by both parents and kids. Indianholidaydestinations

Parents should always make the time to play the games alongside their kids; the only problem with using this approach to picking video games is the fact that the game is already in the house and the money spent. Opened games are rarely returnable and once they are in the house and their hot little hands, kids will not let go of games without a lot of arguing, complaining, and upset. Jcabrasil  Thus, making an informed decision prior to bringing the games home is a must!

So how does a parent go about picking out a video game for the children to play? Reading the back of the cover is unlikely to present a lot of information whereas the buzz on the Internet can be so forbiddingly filled with insider lingo that it is hard to discern if the game is appropriate, too violent, or perhaps even contains content that is objectionable. Hudchinese

At the same time, simply because a game is very popular and the evening news shows long lines of consumers waiting outside the stores for them to go on sale, does not mean that it offers the kind of game play the parent wants to invite into the home. Fortunately, there are five simple steps to picking video games both parents and their kids will love. These steps are not complicated, require a minimum of effort, and are rather reliable. Izkamakina

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) developed a rating system that ranks game content according to age appropriateness. The ratings are “EC,” “E,” “E 10+,” “T,” “M,” “AO,” and “RP.”

Games designated with an “EC” are educational and fun for preschoolers and young grade-schoolers. An “E” notes that the games are appropriate for all players, and while preschoolers might have more of a learning curve to get the game-play right, there is no objectionable content. Look out for games rated with an “E 10+” since these games are reserved for kids older than 10. Some mild language is usually incorporated into the Industrialspares

A game rated “T” is reserved for teens, and parents should know that violence, sexual innuendo, partial nudity, and also curse words are par for the course. “M” for mature indicates games for those over the age of 17 and the blood, guts, gore, and sex are legendary in these games. Upping the ante are games marked “AO” or adults only, as they are “M” squared. An “RP” rating simply means that a rating is pending, and parents should hold off on buying the game until the rating has been apportioned. Swimandfin

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History of Video Games – The First Video Game Ever Made? Wed, 08 May 2024 20:00:22 +0000 As an avid retro-gamer, for quite a long time I’ve been particularly interested in the history of video games. To be more specific, a subject that I am very passionate about is “Which was the first video game ever made?”… So, I started an exhaustive investigation on this subject (and making these articles the first one in a series of articles that will cover in detail all video gaming history). Floodgate  The question was: Which was the first video game ever made? Pafirstsettlement The answer: Well, as a lot of things in life, there is no easy answer to that question. It depends on your own definition of the term “video game”. For example: When you talk about “the first video game”, do you mean the first video game that was commercially-made, or the first console game, or maybe the first digitally programmed game? Because of this, I made a list of 4-5 video games that in one way or another were the beginners of the video gaming industry. You will notice that the first video games were not created with the idea of getting any profit from them (back in those decades there was no Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Atari, or any other video game company around). Suitesrome

In fact, the sole idea of a “video game” or an electronic device which was only made for “playing games and having fun” was above the imagination of over 99% of the population back in those days. But thanks to this small group of geniuses who walked the first steps into the video gaming revolution, we are able to enjoy many hours of fun and entertainment today (keeping aside the creation of millions of jobs during the past 4 or 5 decades). Without further ado, here I present the “first video game nominees” Punepropertyblog 940s: Cathode Ray Tube Amusement Device Askongole

This is considered (with official documentation) as the first electronic game device ever made. It was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. The game was assembled in the 1940s and submitted for an US Patent in January 1947. Iltagrain The patent was granted December 1948, which also makes it the first electronic game device to ever receive a patent (US Patent 2,455,992). As described in the patent, it was an analog circuit device with an array of knobs used to move a dot that appeared in the cathode ray tube display. This game was inspired by how missiles appeared in WWII radars, and the object of the game was simply controlling a “missile” in order to hit a target. In the 1940s it was extremely difficult (for not saying impossible) to show graphics in a Cathode Ray Tube display. Because of this, only the actual “missile” appeared on the display. The target and any other graphics were showed on screen overlays manually placed on the display screen. It’s been said by many that Atari’s famous video game “Missile Command” was created after this gaming device. Vanillasugarblog

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Making a Great Video Game! Mon, 06 May 2024 19:16:20 +0000 When making a great game there are a number of factors that need to be considered if your game is to survive in a market full of great game designs. Below are listed a few of the more important factors that need to be considered when designing a great game. Game Graphics: Justinlall It is a common misconception that the best games are based on the best graphics. While having great graphics, this factor alone will not make a great game when other factors are not up to standards that match the graphics. Onlyfinder  However, having said this, it is fair to say that when combined with other equally important game design factors, great graphics can certainly give a game an advantage over other games with lower quality graphics. A few examples of this are the graphics rich worlds of such games as Halo, Myst, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, and this is just a few of many games that might be considered to have great graphics. So it is safe to assume that one factor that is vital towards a good game, but that needs to be combined with other equally important factors, id for the game to have great graphics. Sbsolar This factor is also a very important game design factor as it covers the point of playing the game, the goal that is to be achieved and the possible interactions between elements of the game such as objects or Non Playable Characters. While a game must have a decent game play and storyline, again this fact will not make a great game by itself. When mixed with great graphics however, these two factors will give a game an edge above the competition. Game play can be either a simple process or a very complex process and still make a great game, as we can see when we compare the game ‘Tetris’ to the game “Final Fantasy”. Gratisvps Both games were smash hits that have so far remained in many peoples list of great games. Gameplay in itself has many facets that contribute towards the entire Gameplay factor, that we will not explore here, but to name a few, a game designer would consider such things as, Storyline, alternative choices, natural physics, player interaction, etc etc. So again, we can see that this factor alone will not necessarily make a great game but will definitely contribute towards a great game when combined with other important game design factors. fs2003

Game Sound: magickuwaite3lanat The Game Sound factor in game design is pretty much on par with Game Graphics. The quality of sound in a game can help determine a good game or not. Examples of this can be found in some of the earliest classics, when we think about games like Zelda or the ancient Atari game called Frogger. Magickuwait

Many of us can think of an old game that we can still clearly remember the game music to, granted some were annoying, but most were catchy and addictive. Then coming forward in game history we get to games that rely heavily on the game sound experience, such as games like Silent Hill or F.E.A.R. Magickw

These games would not be nearly as good as they currently are if they had lesser quality sound. And so again we see another important factor that needs to be added to a game to make it a great game. Magickuwait

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Online Games – Get Great Excitement Sun, 05 May 2024 19:43:04 +0000 If you are doing a job which involves eight hours of work, you require some relaxation at the end of the day. You may be delighted to know that there are free online games which can actually work as a stress buster. Games offer lot of fun, specially the multi-player ones. With these games, you can compete with other people. So just connect to the internet and start playing against other players. Care-step The online world is known for providing news and entertainment. But now a days, internet is known for offering games that are easy to access and offer entertainment and excitement. We might get several ways to make use of our leisure time but our favorite time pass will always be playing online games. Browse the internet carefully to find the best electronic games. Blog.brameg The popularity of online gaming is increasing day by day. You can get various popular games free of cost on the internet. There are basically two kind of games: some are based on Java platforms and some are based on flash platforms.

Games have become an addictive form of activity as they provide endless entertainment. Online gaming gives you an exciting gaming experience with easy to operate games. Before playing these games, you need to download the correct plug-in for your browser for supporting the graphics. You should have a fast internet connection as games take much time to load in a slow net connection. You can find both single player games and multi-player games. Stickerjakarta

There are ‘Text Based Games’ which are simpler than Java Games and these can be played in chat rooms as well. Online Multi-player Games are also popular as they allow you to play against multiple players. Game developers are coming up with new games with new technologies in a bid to make them more exciting than ever. Internet has introduced to a variety of new generation games. These games are convenient to download and are easy to play. Ohcorlando They have become a medium of entertainment and they help us kill boredom. These thrilling and exciting games keep the players engrossed and make them demand for more excitement. Online Games come in diverse categories like puzzle, racing, action, adventure and sports. Most of these games are played with Flash or Shockwave. These games cater to everyone no matter he is a male, female, kid or adult. Paysonhabitat

Find numerous games based on TV shows or movies. These games are stress busters and help you to relax and relieve stress. Get fun, entertainment and amusement free of cost. The types of games available these days include: Manara

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Different Types of Card Games Sat, 04 May 2024 17:53:50 +0000 There are limitless types of card games to be played. People think because two games use the same deck of 52-cards that they are similar games, but nothing could be more different than Barb and Speed, or Paige and Pinochle. Anunciacion  Bridge is a popular contract bidding game. Bridge has a culture — there are websites, newspaper columns, and even radio shows devoted to bridge strategy. There is a world-wide obsession with bridge, even though it has been called the hardest card game in the world. With a complicated strategy and steep learning curve, to many bridge is not just a game, it is a lifestyle. I wish I were exaggerating. Hotride Whist could be called “Bridge, Jr” — and though it is not as big a game as it once was, and is dwarfed in popularity by big-brother Bridge, Whist has never really died out. Card gamers love trick-taking games — beating out your opponent in such a visual way is one of the more exciting part of any card game. Whist has some of the complexity of Bridge without any bidding. Skinsense

Texas Hold’em is something of a legend — a poker variation with a story as rich as a Spaghetti western. This version of poker, a drawing and betting game, was invented and then made popular by old time poker sharks in Texas, hence the name. Foodslightinfo

This is easily the most popular poker variant right now, and is bringing more new people to card gaming than any other game.It is said that most of the professional poker tour players are hardcore Hearts players and that they bet big money on cutthroat games of Hearts in dark mysterious rooms during Pdexi tournaments. Romantic as that may sound, it would make sense for these card sharks to love the game of Hearts – an otherwise childlike game of matching cards (and no bidding) usually turns into a competitive nightmare. Because of the game play, there are lots of ways to screw your opponents in Hearts. Trick-winning and passing card are big elements of Hearts. Laserbgc

People don’t realize it, but spades is a variation of bridge that simplifies the game even more than Whist and changes the outcome of the game as well. Spades is really popular in large groups, on college campuses, and in tournaments around the world. There may be as many variations of Spades as there are groups playing it — thanks to “jailhouse rules” which penalize tactics like point sandbagging and the existence of multiple versions of “house rules”. A strategic game you can play without paying much attention if you want. Thetriathlonsquad

This is the simple children’s card matching game we all remember from our childhood. You can play Go-fish with as many players as you have cards. Some people claim Go-Fish is a variation of Rummy but the simplicity of the game and the children’s game gimmick make it likely just some toy company’s creation. Strangely enough, Go-fish is known as Literature in some parts of the world. Write in if you understand that one. Suneasttour

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Introduction to Designing Open Source Games for the Google Smart Phones Fri, 03 May 2024 13:42:05 +0000 Google has offered the open source tools and the education but it is up to you to learn and develop your own apps for smart phones to prove how competent you are at developing and designing open source games and to what value you will be able to offer in future developments online. Thesharpshadows

Google I imagine are a great company to work for and as big as they are with the smart phones they realize they do not have the time or resources to single handily develop new gaming software nor for that matter have the time to exactly mirror working documents for the hand-held phones, it’s just not plausible. However, they have reportedly come to some agreement with certain apps available for the Android, I suppose to challenge the growing presence of Apple’s power. So, with that in mind lets get into the details of online gaming design. Macarena-gea People who make games through Java script for mobile phones especially arcade games users of Java. Now Java has, like most software its own script, script means a language in which a program can understand if you do not have the right software or do not know which software to use, then refer to an expert, these gaming experts are called C++ Engineers because this is the type of language Java operates with. Those already experienced in the language of C++ can use Java, and Java is gaming industry standard, Java is also known for its Flash integration, audio software, texts and cloud based open source development. Prestonprecious

This is usually done in Linux rather than UNIX and the imagery in these new media tools can be surprisingly refreshing. This has reduced the amount of work needed to learn these skills. Open software is a great place to start. Before you design the game there are a few things you need to understand when designing games for the phone. Wewanaplay Like an I-Pad and other touch screen devices the Teflon screen creates a motion and by controlling your game from the screen can alter the response time of your game, these have been my main concerns about games for the Android – they are clunky and the controls unless scroll button enabled are very annoying. Dandlautorepair Similarly the tilt sensor in the phone is very advanced. Learning how to program a game like this is well beyond the scope of this introductory post. All you need to know with these problems or if you wish to learn more about these high end problems of designing games for the Android phone are GLSurfaceView ATITC compression, VBO’s and there buffers (which are responsible and great for giving feedback when a game crashes because you can trackback the results of the crash when you report it to Google. Clientzfeedback Some interesting terminology which will boost your understanding and help you educate yourself about games designing for Android phones are listed in this short glo2D side-scrolled – Parallax layers, tile-based worlds, animated sprites the right hardware buttons: input systems, OpenGL, ES Writing Java code for Android phones. The-midfield

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Defeating Used Games: Why Incentives to Discourage Pre-Owned Gaming Are Awful Fri, 03 May 2024 13:41:45 +0000 Do you buy your games second-hand? Then you are a complete cheapskate and the scum of the gaming industry. You’re worse than any pirate sailing the high seas of wares. Or at least, that’s what publishers want us to think. Whether you have the right to sell the products you have purchased is irrelevant: the sale of used games is damaging the games industry. Kanzleikreutzer

 When a new game is traded in or sold to a game store, that money is then kept by the retailer rather than reaching the hands of the hardworking developer, who spent blood, sweat and tears on creating their pride and joy. The same game could be bought and sold numerous times and it can be argued that those purchases are a potential sale which has been stolen from the game companies themselves. Leonkoziol It is true that you don’t hear the music or film industry complaining about their second-hand losses, but does creating an album or a movie compare to the amount of money and effort spent on developing a Triple-A game title? As always, it is the consumer that decides whether a game is worth its $50 price tag, and often they decide to go with a pre-owned price instead. Game companies already utilize a number of methods to gain extra cash after the release of their games in the form of downloadable content (DLC) and there are now incentives to buying new. Registerbike Pre-order bonuses seem to be popular right now with many games including codes for additional DLC or specific in-game bonuses. We’ll be taking a look at some of the rubbish incentives offered by publishers to encourage new purchases and what alternatives would be more welcome. Exclusive DLC & Pre-Order Bonuses: Gamers aren’t new to the idea of receiving bonuses within collector’s editions and the like, but more recently we’ve been seeing a lot of extra freebies within new games or as part of pre-ordering a title. Most of this is in-game DLC, such as new weapons and armor, new maps or various other cosmetic additions which don’t actually add that much to the game. Voicebeautycenter In fact, most of this stuff you could probably live without. I don’t really need the Blood Dragon Armor in Dragon Age Origins and I can live without a tattoo set in Fable 3, thank you very much. I would go as far to say that DLC armor is one of the most pointless examples of a DLC incentive, ever. Kriebelscustomcakes

 Although perhaps not as pointless as the Horse Armor from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

In some cases, the DLC offered is a little more substantial. Some games offer quests or missions, and this feels like more of a ‘thank you’ bonus. Beware have taken this one step further by offering a DLC delivery service in Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2. This service allows players to download a series of free items, as well as access paid DLC. In Mass Effect 2, this included a few extra side-quests and exclusive armor/weapons (Groan). Boutiquedestendances

 Player’s could also add a new character to their game squad, Zaeed, and he came with his own loyalty mission as well as a few small areas to explore plus a new weapon. Whilst this is a better incentive more to the Nitrogliserin

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